Alkindus Butterhead

Uniform, reliable, attractive red butterhead. Darker red and shinier than Skyphos and Red Cross. Smaller, more dense heads in the spring and larger, less dense heads in the summer.


Little Gem-type for mini heads. Bambi's dark-green, smooth leaves form true mini heads.

Cherokee Summer Crisp

Darkest red leaves and a long harvest window. Thick, crisp, dark-red leaves with good flavor. Similar appearance to Magenta except much darker red color, though not quite as sweet.

Dark Lolla Rosa

Heavily frilled green leaves with dark red edges are essential in salad mix. Provides loft, texture, and color. Good red color even in low-light conditions under row covers. More compact and slower growing than other lettuce types. Much darker red than regular Lollo Rossa. For baby leaf only. Use Natividad for growing full size plants for garnish leaves.

Dragoon Romaine

Mini green romaine. Compact and uniform. Leaves are thick and have an excellent, crisp texture. Heads are very dense, hold well in the field, and can be attractively marketed with mini red romaines.

Dubuisson Endive

Slow bolting broad-leaved endive.

GREEN BUTTER - Salanova®

Heads have a round base with open leaves. Delicate, buttery flavor. Great for selling as a whole head or in salad mix.

Green Incised - Salanova®

Deeply incised, medium-green leaves with heavily frilled margins. Good flavor is slow to turn bitter even after bolting.

Green Oakleaf - Salanova®

Compact heads are great for selling as a whole head or in salad mix.

Green Sweet Crisp - Salanova®

Medium-dark green leaves with a very defined, three-dimensional shape. Sweet, almost romaine-like flavor, with a crisp, almost iceberg-like, texture.

Mild Micro mix

This blend of mildly flavored brassicas contains mizuna, cabbage, kale, and kohlrabi. Mostly green with a touch of purple.

Natacha Escarole

Big heavy heads with abundant tender leaves and creamy, blanched hearts. Mild, slightly bitter flavor.

Red Butter - Salanova®

Triple red color. Very upright habit. Medium size, large head.

Red Incised - Salanova®

Double red color. Lollo rossa type. Medium size, heavy head.

Red Oakleaf - Salanova®

Triple red color. Finely lobed, deer tongue leaf shape. Medium size, compact head.

Red Sweet Crisp - Salanova®

Double red color. Exceptionally sweet flavor. Medium size, heavy head.

Rhodos Endive

Narrow, frilly, blanched leaves for salad mix. Smooth but deeply cut, toothed pale-green leaves. Full-size heads form a mass of tender blanched leaves at the heart for salad mix.


Dark-red, Little Gem-type for mini heads. Crisp leaves make uniform, dense heads with great flavor.

Rouxai (Red Oakleaf)

Compact, full-size red oakleaf with striking red color. Lobed leaves are an attractive, deep cherry-red with great flavor and leaf texture. Very uniform plants.

Skyphos Butterhead

Beautiful, large dark-red heads with nicely-contrasting green centers. Excellent flavor and texture. The surest heading of red butterheads.

Spicy Micro Mix

A colorful blend of red and green mustards with various textures. Spicy flavor pairs well with the Mild Micro Mix.


Dark red, mini romaine. The compact, mini heads are dark red even in the North.

Hepworth Farms 506 South Road Milton, NY 12547 / telephone: (845) 795-6071
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